He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”
~ Confucius
When it comes to being a freelance/journeyman voice talent, I firmly believe that continued training and getting out there and learning from those farther along on the VO path is essential.
This past weekend I had the awesome opportunity to attend a workshop run by Elaine Clark and Harlan Hogan.

Harlan, Liz & Elaine
Elaine is an accomplished voice talent & on-camera actor and fabulous teacher. She runs Voice One out of San Francisco. Harlan is one of the best voice talents around, has been in the business for over 30 years, is the inventor of the famous Harlan Hogan Porta-Booth, and is based in Chicago. I also have to mention that they are both hysterical, and so generous with their knowledge.
The bonus was that I was able to go with my older brother André who is also a bilingual voice talent.
André & Liz
What an amazing weekend. I now know the real meaning of “my brain hurts!”
Saturday was devoted to Elaine working with the assembled group on all types of voice work. We concentrated on Commercial work and within the first half hour of the workshop, I got info I could put to use right away! She showed us concrete ways to “break-down” copy. How to get that “twinkle” in our reads and how your point of view really does affect your performance.
By the end of the day, I was exhausted and jazzed at the same time. Elaine really is a great teacher and if you are ever in the position to learn from her, I highly recommend you go for it!
Sunday was devoted to Harlan giving us hints and tips on how to have a voice over career over “The Long Haul.” As those of us who are full time voice talent know:
“The work of getting the VO work is the work! – The act of voiceover is the fun!”
Not only is Harlan an amazing voice talent, he’s a marketing and promotional genius. He kept us laughing throughout the day with voiceover “war stories” but always with the goal in mind of finding ways to make yourself memorable. What is it that makes you different? What is your Unique Selling Proposition? What different ways can you market yourself? By the end of the day I had several ideas that I’m going to start working on.
It was a fun and informative weekend spent in the company of new friends and even family!
I also want to thank John Burr, who also does voice over training, for bringing Harlan & Elaine to the DC area so that could finally attend one of their workshops! Thanks for setting up the audio too, John! (And thanks André for the use of your guest bedroom!)
And now the fun begins! Implementing all that I’ve learned into my voiceover career.
Watch me! Here I go!
What great fun to read and see all that you have in your post. I’m glad to know you had a great time.
Be well,
I DID, Bob!
I’m just so sorry I missed YOU in NYC…NEXT time let’s coordinate better, OK? 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Stef!
You’re SO welcome!
It was a great experience!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wish I could’ve been there to join you. Continuous learning is certainly a life-long goal of mine. I always budget for top-notch coaching. In the long-run, it doesn’t cost, it pays!
All The Best,
Bobbin Beam- ISDN Voice Actress