because Joan was putting it together ,
because she was bringing together top VO’s and VO industry leaders,

Not only did I have a great time, but it was heartwarming to know that all these people were there for the same reason. Because they knew how important finding a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease is. (Yeah, OK, there was some networking going on, but frankly it had the feel of an intimate dinner party, and I felt really lucky to be there!)
Yes, I met some of the top voice over artists and industry people in the country today.
Stewart Wilson-Turner (the creator of & I
Yes, I got a night out,
Yes, I got a respite from my caregiving duties.
Yes, I got a kiss from both “The Don” and Joe Cip!
But what was even more important to me was that I showed up, supporting a great cause and validating to myself that as a working voice talent, I am doing what I love and showing up for my dreams. I am so happy to belong to an industry where the people are nice, generous and talented!
It’s a night I won’t soon forget!
(OK…how appropriate a comment is that for an Alzheimer’s event! 😉